Application site

Finance Lead

Applications close on 16 February 2025

Download job description

Privacy and equality information

We are passionate about creating a fairer world and committed to building a diverse and inclusive organisation. We have an international workforce and clients and are keen to hear from applicants across different countries and sectors. We offer flexible contracts and enable our people to balance interests and caring commitments outside SOIF. We are open to flexible working and job shares. The following questions will be included on the job portal to help monitor shortlists for diversity: where you live, sex and gender information. Any other information you submit in this form will only be used for the purposes of assessing this application.

If you would like us to consider you for future opportunities please indicate this in the form below. We will keep your records on file for 12-18 months after application.

Application form

There are five sections to this application form. Required questions are marked with an asterisk (*).

Please tell us a bit about you. We will only use your contact details for the purposes of this application unless you tell us otherwise.

Where do you currently live

Sex and gender

We invite you to share details of your sex at birth and the gender you currently identify with. This is so we can monitor for potential bias and measure the effectiveness of our recruitment programs with regard to gender. Providing this information is optional and voluntary - you can leave these sections out or select ‘prefer not to say’

Please tell us your sex at birth

We invite you to self-identify your gender

Up to 750 characters
Count: 0

2. Application

To apply, please upload your CV and Cover Letter and answer each of the three questions (max 2000 characters for each).

Up to 2000 characters
Count: 0
Up to 2000 characters
Count: 0
Up to 2000 characters
Count: 0
Up to 2000 characters
Count: 0

3. References

Please give details for one or more referee that we can contact if you are shortlisted for the role.

Referee 1

Referee 2

Our people all work remotely as self-employed contractors. Please confirm you can meet the following requirements.

Tick to confirm
Tick to confirm


This information is not considered as part of your application.

ContactPrivacy Information

© SOIF Limited 2021

School of International Futures (SOIF) is the trading name of School of International Futures Ltd, a company with not for profit purposes limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07761692 and whose registered office is at Onega House, 112 Main Road, Sidcup, Kent, DA14 6NE